
I just wanted to send you a quick email to tell you what a wonderful job your staff did for Leggett & Platt today.

We started the day in need of storage trailers and by the afternoon we needed product delivered to Chicago by tomorrow as early as possible. Both situations were handled efficiently & professionally.

I have worked with a lot of carriers over my career and I can honestly say I have never had a company perform as well as yours did today.

Thank you and your employees for making these situations easier to deal with.

Gregg H
Leggett & Platt

I wanted to reach out and let you know that I have decided to retire. This Friday will be my last day.

I want to say “Thank you” for all you have done over the years to help us out at United Hardware. You have gotten us through some tough times. I wish you the best.

Carol S
United Hardware

Words truly are not sufficient to thank you and MTL for the generous trucking service provided in bringing Target’s surplus to Second Stork.

We are 100% volunteer based, yet help 2000 – 3000 new families in crisis each year. We could not do it without community-minded companies like MTL. Our “staff” volunteers were overjoyed with the supplies, as are the nearly 80 hospitals we partner with in our operations. Thanks again!

Deb O
Second Stork

I’m retiring on Sept. 27th. I just want to say it was great to work with you and your employees. They were always helpful in all our shipping needs.

Mary V
Liberty Packaging